TypeMedia website

The new TypeMedia website is made in Django, with a wiki and a complete blog (archive, tags, comments).

The wiki has a revision history, so you can go back in time to restore the content. Each wiki page and blog has comments.

The wiki and blog have a sublevel admin section to create pages or posts. For the real admins, there is always the django build in adminsection.

Tags has a nice cloud layout with fontsize and color to mark the most important tags. To add tags to a wiki page or blog I wrote some javascript (delicious style), so you just click or write new ones to the post.

Comments are an adaptation of the build in free-comments extended with comments-utils (moderation and akismet) and my own anti-spam server side code (on this site it’s a typographical question).

The header of the website is built with lettersetter by lettError and TypeSupply.

Posted on January 21, 2008
typeMedia website